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Flyball (1 pair bracket with 3 balls)

旋風球: 結合羽球、網球及棒球運動技巧的一項新興休閒運動任你投出超酷炫的變化球, 又酷又炫會轉彎的飛球


球拍: 長53.5cm寬20.5cm深9.5cm,重150公克。(目前生產的球拍顏色有:黑ˋ橘ˋ藍ˋ綠、桃、紫六種。)

飛球: 球體空心直徑8.8公分,重22公克。(基本配備是2顆黃球,另加一顆螢光球供夜間使用。)





  1. 球拍大小如網球拍,但拍面內凹,底部可收納一顆飛球。
  2. 球大小如壘球,外表粗糙便於摩擦;球體空心輕盈,如不慎觸擊身體亦無安全之虞。
  3. 發球時,球拍將收納在底部的球刷出,依甩出的方向與力道會產生不同的變化球;可以高飛、上飄、左彎或右彎,任君操控。
  4. 飛來的球用凹面的球拍以斜角度承接,即可順利滑入底部,隨即便可再次刷球出去。
  5. 二人對接,變化無窮也樂趣無窮。
  6. 每套含2支球拍及2顆球,並附一只不織布提袋,可背可提,外出攜帶方便。
  7. 老少咸宜的戶外休閒活動,適合在草地或沙灘上作練習。

Flyball is an outdoor activity suitable for all ages! An innovative sport that combines the skills of badminton, tennis and baseball. You can freely throw out various cool and amazing curve balls.

Each set includes 2 rackets, 2 yellow balls, 1 glow ball and 2 non-woven fabric carry bag.

Color : black, orange, blue, green, pink and purple (please indicate preferred color during payment process)

Product Weight : 150 gram

Product Size : L53.5cm, W20.5cm, D9.5 cm

Place of Origin : Taiwan

1.The size of Flyball racket is the same as that of a tennis racket, but the face is specially-designed as a concave area that can catch a flying ball into the bottom holder.

2.The ball is the size of a softball; the rough surface makes it easier to be caught or slung by the racket. The ball is hollow and lightweight so it does not hurt if the body is accidentally hit by the ball.

3.While serving the ball, simply put it in the bottom holder of a racket and sling it forward. Different strength and direction of a sling will make various curve balls. You may freely make topspin, backspin, right or left spin balls.

4.To catch the flying ball, tilt the concave area of a racket at the ball to have it slide into the bottom holder. Then you may sling the ball back.

5.It will be fun for two people throwing and catching Flyball.

6.Flyball is an outdoor activity suitable for all ages. It is better to practice on the grass or beach. 
